When these places are covered with prayer flags, they will be seen by the inspecting gods, and these places will also be blessed by the gods and resist the invasion of evil spirits. I saw it is important in which direction do you hang the prayer flags. i have recently purchased two sets of prayer flags, and was wondering how often i should be moving them around my altar? As you pointed out, this is a very unique way of disposing of them. KHATAS. Dear Michelle, Yes it is totally fine to string multiple sets of prayer flags together and this is commonly done. Please advise. You can always hang new ones along with the old ones. Right now I have mine hanging in a southern direction in my bedroom window. The red, blue, yellow, white and green buddhist prayer flags represent elements like air, fire, water and earth. Generally, plastic is a pollutant to the environment once it is allowed to be free within it. Hello, Here are 10 things you should know: 1. Is it possible that the rope is twisted or the prayer flags are curled up? Hello, I have lovely prayer flags which hang for a time and then one by one, come unfastened at one end and dangle, without touching the ground. Buddhist Prayer flags if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bambubatu_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bambubatu_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bambubatu_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',113,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bambubatu_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-113{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Help. She also brings about longevity, protects earthly travel, and guards her followers on their spiritual journey to enlightenment. They are meant to represent the five elements in balance and it is not really appropriate to the purpose or culture to separate them. Although of course we modified the flags with the best intentions and respect, Im now wondering if what we did in adding the images/fabric of his shirts to the flags was actually disrespectful? We would suggest that it is better not to take apart the set of prayer flags. A-. Best of luck with your studies. That being said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with engaging with Buddhism through Western philosophy. He was a Tibetan healer. Green is water, yellow is earth, and blue is wind. Color Fading of These Flags also has a Meaning. For the well-known Six-Character Mantra, it does not have one particular meaning. What if in the process of hanging the prayer flags, they accidentally touched the ground, should I respectably burn them and get new ones? I have a dear friend who has died and spent most of her adult life in Nepal. Handmade art has been an indispensable part of the lives of the Tibetan people. First came the Free Tibet t-shirts and bumper stickers, iconic symbols of grassroots organizing and international awareness, even before the era of MySpace and TedTalks. Ive had some prayer flags for several years that have now faded and gotten dirty with bird droppings. 11 Mile Public Parking & Public Space Project Requested Amount: $2,000,000 Recipient: City of Oak Park Project Location: Oak Park Project Description: Funding will be used to repair parking lots and install lighting, EV charging stations, and ADA upgrades. Thank you so much for your response. Color and order. It had been advised to make a wooden enclosure or something to protect the damaged holy objects and this could be placed in the forest as a sort of shrine house. The old-style marriage is that the man and the woman are married under the arrangement of their parents. When you pack them for the move, treat them with respect and care. Tibetan prayer flags fly from many porches across the inner-city, Bunning's Warehouse sells Buddha statues and water-features and Big W sells paintings of the Buddha. Despite the many deep complexities of Buddhism there is a tendency for people to think they have an understanding of the religion from a single meme or a Dalai Lama coffee-table book. The Dalai Lama, along with other Buddhist teachers, have actively sought to engage Westerners in Buddhism through the lens of Western philosophy and there is a direct comparison that can be draw here to the Buddha's own life. Balancing these elements externally brings harmony to the environment. We hope to share a blog post soon about the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM. Old prayer flags should be burned in order to show traditional Tibetan respect and carry prayers to the heavens. Were putting together our 2019 Tibetan Nuns Project calendar which will have the important Tibetan Buddhist days marked. I am hanging flags and I have about 5 feet left over. The cloth strip is often sewn on a thick and long flagstaff in front of the squares and monasteries, such as the square of Jokhang Temple in Lhasa. Yes, these are excellent questions and we are writing to the nuns to get the very best answers to them. Very interesting and also challenging. I really appreciated these teachings about prayer flags. I wanted to present a set of prayer flags with the name of those who could not be there on it. We have a long stretch to cover and are wondering a couple of things: Is it ok to string multiple prayer flags together to get the desired length or would you custom make the flags to our desired length? How wonderful! And therefore, Tibetan prayer flags are believed to promote prosperity, compassion, peace, and wisdom. The horizontal flags, known as Lung-ta or "Wind Horse", are either square or rectangular and are strung along the longest edge in a row between two high points or a high point and the ground. Does this have any symbolic meaning? Each set of prayer flags has five colors representing the different elements: blue for sky, white for clouds, red for space, green for water . backyard chickens, https://tnp.org/about-tibetan-butter-sculptures/. A bit like the American flag, there are certain norms regarding how, when and where the flags are displayed. 6. Green for water. The issue of burning synthetic prayer flags doesnt not really come up for them because their prayer flags, like the ones we sell in our online store, are made of cotton. Dear Michelle, You can double back your prayer flags or tie it to something else. Seeing this blog I ask what best to do at this point. Tibetan prayer flags long 5 meters 20 flags from Nepal handmade frayed flags with prayers and blessings for peace Karmandala (1,551) $22.13 Healing Tibetan Prayer Flags Rolls - 2 Sizes (Small 7" & Large 10") meditation art, Buddhist wall art - Tibetan Prayer Flags Spiritual Flags HPvillage (2,134) $9.31 Thank you. Now, it's widely used in the northern part of India, Nepal, and Bhutan. The fact that they do not last is part of their nature and is a reminder of the central Buddhist teaching of impermanence. Khata scarves are the most common Tibetan gifts. The most critical thing about hanging prayer flags is ones intention. China was grilled at the last two days of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights session in Geneva on February 15-16. Moreover, the arrangement order of each color is strictly stipulated. Hello Maura, We have consulted the nuns about disposing of prayer flags. Thank you for your comment, Caitlin, and your wish to donate prayer flags. The festival is celebrated to commemorate when Sakyamuni (Buddha) attained enlightenment, and is typically observed by visiting temples, lighting lanterns and practising kindness and generosity. It shows the spiritual charm of the Tibetan people to the world, and also shows people the cultural landscape of the roof of the world. One should not have selfish or limiting thoughts. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to our blog and receive new posts by email. As an alternative I was considering purchasing a traditional wooden block stamp of the windhorse or the medicine buddha (created by artists in nepal) and using that on the artwork instead. Dear Margaret, Thank you for your comment. If you are hanging the prayer flags to make yourself happy, then you can have the prayers facing in toward you or you can face the prayers outwards to spread out to the world. It includes a budget status summary table with . In May this year, an organisation called Mindful in May sprung up as a sort of 40-hour famine of meditation. Ive been told synthetic material shouldnt be burned because of harm to the environment. Tibetan Language However, prayer flags hung at the nunneries are taken down each year, burned, and replaced with new prayer flags at Tibetan New Year. [1] Perhaps you can give the prayer flags to someone who would like them. Hi! You can not only see marvelous religious artworks but also discover the spiritual home of Tibetan people. Eventually, the prayer flags will fade and can be replaced with new prayer flags. 9 Likes, 0 Comments - Tibetan Culture (@culturetibet) on Instagram: "Tibetan prayer flags are either designed for horizontal or vertical hanging. In our actions, it is our intentions and thoughts that are important. Chinese authorities in Tibet have ordered the destruction of prayer flags in many parts of the region in one of China's most direct assaults to date on visible symbols of Tibetan culture and . Your question about prayer flags is not one that we have encountered before. Songtsen Gampo(617-650) was the 33rd Tibetan King. It really is about your intention and you have to work within your situation. The flags contain sacred texts and symbols and should be treated respectfully. The problem I have is that I live in a city that does not permit burning as it is very dry here and sunny. When disposing of old prayer flags one should burn them so that the smoke may carry their blessings to the heavens. The five colors are arranged in a specific order from left to right: blue, white, red, green, and yellow. This has always pleased me as it is benefitting them. Can I use Tibetan prayer flags? Would this be a respectful way of disposing of them? That way we will not have a problem if disposal. Unlike some other religions from the East, Buddhism is highly romanticised in Western eyes. Required fields are marked *. Quickly place the thread on the glue and flatten it with your fingers. If so, how should I take them down and put them back up? Color Symbolic Meaning Surely there can be no harm in adding prayer flags to compost where they will be consumed by living beings instead of fire and in turn become the raw material for new life. Tibetan Prayer Flags. I use mixed media to create paintings of a spiritual nature. Theyre made of paper and I think Id need separate them and pull out the string in order to recycle them. In the corners of the prayer flags are images of four powerful animals, also known as the Four Dignities: the dragon, the garuda, the tiger, and the snow lion. But still I was left with the blessed strings. I understand the blue start on the left my question would be on the left if I am facing downwind or upwind? Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Dear Alanna, Were so sorry that you keep losing your prayer flags to squirrels. The prayer flags made by the nuns at Dolma Ling are strung on white cotton. Well post updates on our Facebook page as soon as we hear more. The Origin of the Tibetan Prayer Flags. Buddhism and Zen mediation offered an escape from the materialistic mindset of the West. Dear Paul, Yes, you can hang prayer flags on your pack when you climb, but you might ensure that the flags do not touch the ground. What is your suggestion to do with them? And next came the Tibetan prayer flags, more vibrant in their rainbow colors, but more subtle in their messaging. I found a set of Tibetan prayer flags at my grandmothers house on the floor in her kitchen and don't know if I can still fly them or if I should just They are not created to be washed, but rather hung in place where the prayers will blow in the wind. Tibetan clothing is worn with an inner garment and a pair of wide and long sleeves, with rich connotation and diversity dressing culture in tradition. It is most welcome that so many people are finding the teachings of the Buddha relevant and helpful to their own lives, and meditation is a big part of that. Mariusz. This is because Buddhism, the country's major religion, has played a huge role in the development and history of . Learn how your comment data is processed. The main contents of the scriptures are the Indian Dharani mantra, the six-character Mantra (Om Mani Padme Hum), Sanskrit mantras, auspicious words, proverbs, and prayer scriptures, etc. THEY ARE ALL PLASTIC NOWADAYS. And the colors of prayer flags are fixed and cannot be innovated casually. They Should Never be Put on the Ground or Keep Still. Tibetans do not wash prayer flags. I know this this is not advisable for everyone, but if you have some woods or perhaps even just and undisturbed part of your land this could be a viable option. Janet, thanks for your question. Tibetan tradition considers prayer flags to be holy. Songtsen Gampo(617-650) was the 33rd Tibetan King. No you do not have to burn them and get replacements. It's a great way to stay TIBETAN PRAYER FLAGS Brief Info On Tibetan Prayer Flag Sets. Prayer Flags . Prayer Flags Must Be Treated With Respect Considered sacred, and therefore must be given utmost respect are the prayer flags and the text, mantras, and symbols. Tibetan language is referred to as Bodic or Tibetic language. Those flags are called lung dar prayer flags. What can I do? Hes been working in the industry since 2006 and has a network that spans all 6 continents. When disposing of old prayer flags one should burn them so that the smoke may carry their blessings to the heavens. The traditional cotton prayer flags, like those made by the nuns at Dolma Ling and sold in our online store, fade more quickly than synthetic ones and may be safely burned. The flags give strangers an opportunity to ask what they are about and learn of our son, who was a generous, kind, and fair-minded spirit. Khata scarves are the most common Tibetan gifts. In the center of the prayer flag is a powerful horse (lung-ta) bearing three flaming jewels on its back. The flags contain sacred texts and symbols and should be treated respectfully. Check the top 10 Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. This way the prayers on the Tibetan prayer flags will be fully free to blow in the breeze and spread prayers and good wishes to all sentient beings. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam. The new-style marriage is that men and women have the freedom to choose their spouses but still follow the etiquette of the traditional Tibetan wedding. If that is not possible, then you can bury them underground in a clean place as you did with the blessed cords from the mala. However, they are really meant to be hung outside where the winds can carry their prayers to all sentient beings. Do not let prayer flags touch the ground as they are burned. This is a common misconception: rather, the mantras printed on the flags are carried on the wind and believed to spread goodwill and positive energy wherever they go. Meaning if the wind blows West to East does the blue start in the North or South? These flags can be seen dotted throughout the mountainous regions of China, Nepal, Bhutan, and northern India. ; Prayer Flags Size:13 X 11 Inches,The String Is 23 Feet Long With 20 Clear Block Prints On High Quality 100% Polyester. The Auspicious Time to Put up a Flag is During the Tibetan New Year. Tibetan marriage customs have distinctive local characteristics. Dear Leslie, Its not a bad thing to hang prayer flags indoors. Palden Lhamo is the chief Dharma Protector, so she is highly valued in all major sects of Tibetan Buddhism. Made of cotton cloth, yarn of ramie, silk and so on, those oblong-shaped prayer flags are combined with five different colors, blue, white, red, green and yellow. Dear Wendy, The prayer flags could be doubled back or looped if need be. The Tara prayer flags have a lovely image of Tara in the center. Yes, you can hang the prayers outside your house. Prayer flags are made of block-printed fabric using traditional printing techniques going back hundreds of years. While stringing your flags up wherever you choose to display them, it's important to keep good, selfless motivations in mind, in keeping with the flags' ultimate purpose, which is spreading positivity far and wide. The key is, as you clearly know, to try to dispose of prayer flags with the greatest respect possible. Presenting Khata expresses good wishes and respect. is this not adding pollution to our planet? Other auspicious days are those connected with the Buddhas life and teaching. Great Tibet Tour is a local tour company based in Lhasa, Tibet. They believe that God will help those who hang prayer flags. Traditionally, Tibetan prayer flags come in sets of five: one in each of the five colors that correspond with the 5 Elements of Chinese theory. Balancing the five elements in places and in our own bodies and lives helps to bring harmony, health and well-being. Palden Lhamo You may also choose to let your old Tibetan prayer flags fade and disintegrate naturally, hanging new prayer flags up with old ones. For more on common misperceptions of Buddhism in Western culture, you can also listen to the recent RN Encounter program, "Instant Karma's gonna get you.". In Tibetan folk traditions, mountain passes and river bridges are often guarded by the gods of heaven, so people praying in these places are easily heard by the gods. "Color, in ancient times, is generally considered to be the worship of the gods," Tsering adds, stating that the five colors represent the elements of sky (blue), air (white), fire (red), water (green) and earth (yellow). I am very excited to hang my prayer flags as I would like to begin sending my wishes to end suffering for sentient beings. Tibetan Clothing and Diverse Tibetan Dress Culture When hanging prayer flags one should wish that all beings everywhere will benefit and find happiness. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said, The quality or purity of any spiritual practice is determined by the individuals intention and motivation. As this blog post says, When raising prayer flags it is important to have a good motivation. Can you give some advise? 9. At that time the country was ruled by war lords who carried their banners into battles. You can say a simple and powerful prayer such as the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra. I recently bought the prayer flags from a store that sells hand made stuff and support local artists. Tibetan prayer flags are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said, The quality or purity of any spiritual practice is determined by the individuals intention and motivation. Wishing you every happiness, Mary. I was given a beautiful strand of prayer flags, but when I opened them today to hang (Tibetan New Year) I discovered they are too long for my deck! Thank you so much for supporting the nuns! So this could be photos, prayer flags, thangkas, etc. Unfortunately all the cotton flags Ive found so far have been strung on nylon ropes which its near impossible to avoid burning along with the flags. When hanging prayer flags one should wish that all beings everywhere will benefit and find happiness. You have written that, when hanging and taking down the prayer flags, you are handling them with respect and good intentions. Do you also burn old khatas in a similar fashion? I would prefer something on the smaller end. The old-style marriage is that the man and the woman are married under the arrangement of their parents. Bamboo Symbolism in Mythology and Folklore, Bamboo and Community in Uganda: Okere City. When talking about Tibetan handicrafts, people would think of Thangka, Tibetan incense, Tibetan medicine, Tibetan knife, Tibetan ornaments, etc. Each Color of the Flag Symbolizes an Element. in touch with us and receive great news when we have A Tibetan prayer flag is a colorful rectangular cloth, often found strung along trails and peaks high in the Himalayas. Luckily he agreed to do that in their back yard. I wanted to put up new prayer flags as the ones I have now are now faded.